Tafsir al Quran
يايها الذى ين امنوا ادخلو افى السلم كافة. ولا تتبعوا خطوت الشطن انه لكم عدو مبين
Meaning: "O you who believe! You submit to Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of Satan; Indeed he is your open enemy."
Shan NUZUL: According to Hadrat Abdullah bin Salam, Raidallahu Anh, Hadrat Asad bin Ubayed Sailaba Raidallallahu Ta'ala Anhu, etc., were the scholars before accepting Islam, the Qur'an said in the commentary that these holy verses were revealed to them about them. According to the Jewish religion the To, the holy day of the week was Saturday And the meat of the meat was forbidden. As they were Jewish scholars as a consequence, after the acceptance of Islam, they had the effect of those two rulings of Judaism among them. ta'ala .(Because naturally, there is a difficult problem, as Allah Almighty himself did not declare alcohol in a hurry, he also thought that it is not obligatory to disbelieve in Islam and Islam, so if it is celebrated on Saturday, And on the other hand, Islam is also of religion. In addition, it seems to be more obedience and humility of Allah in. In this topic, the Prophet (peace be-upon-him) Therefore, if Saturn is respected hashtag on a regular basis, then, hashtag, on one hand, it will be respected as well as the Prophet in Moses (peace be -upon him), the while statement hashtag on the other hand, Islam is also of religion. In addition, it seems to be more obedience and humility of Allah in. In this view, the Prophet (peace be upon him) Therefore, if Saturn is respected on a regular basis, then, on one hand, (peace be upon him), while on the other hand, Islam is also of religion. In addition, it seems to be more obedience and humility of Allah Pak. In view of this, the Prophet (peace be upon him)
In some of the commentary, Qiram mentioned an event in which the holy verse of Sharif was revealed.
Once upon a time, Abdullah bin Salam, (RA), he was sitting at Nur Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam at his Darbar Sharif. At that time some food was brought. Hadrat'Abdullah bin Salam (May Allah be pleased with him) said: He had a Jewish scholar before and he was not allowed to eat the meat of the camel. Therefore, he still asked permission of Nur Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam refrain from eating the camel's meat. Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, to refrain from eating the camel's meat. Noor Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam kept silent and waited for the order of AllAllah.cause
of وما ينطق عن الهوى ان هو الاوحى يوحى
Meaning: "Noor Mujassam, Habeebullah Huzur Salallahu alaihi Wa Sallam, He does not speak anything except himself
Analysis: In the book of Fawwed Osmani, This Holy verse has said in Sharif's commentary, "The purpose of this Prophet is to destroy the fort of bidah." Because bidah is to take the form of religion as a good idea. Work as a good work or religious work "
In this Holy Verse, Sharif is the command to fulfill faith and to boycott bidat. Bidat. Bidat So, Irshad Mubarak has said, "O you who believe, enter the religion of Islam completely."
In this book of the Holy Qur'an, it has been said in the Book of Sharif that it has been condemned and condemned for profit. "The holy verse is warning about him, on one hand, for those people who engaged in idiom, and on the other, who think of themselves as modern and Akida Islam does not accept the laws of life as full of life."
Once Hadrat Umar ibn al-Khattab, he came to Tarat Sharif with some old pages of his, and Nur Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said,
لو كان موسى حياماو سعه الا اتباعى
Meaning: "If Musa Kalimullah (peace be upon him) had been living on earth today, he would not have been without him." Therefore, the question of the following is not the advent of Sayyidul Mursale, Imamul Mursail, Noor Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, did not arise. Mursale, Imamul Mursail, Noor Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, did not arise. (Kholatautafsir)
Imam Razi Rahmatullahi Alaihi explained:
(1) Those who have accepted oral Islam, enter Islam completely and do not follow the devil
(2) Imam Razi Rahmatullah Alaihi said in this verse, Sharif: "O those people, those who have believed in the previous books of the heavens, you should enter into Islam completely, your faith to the faith, and the last resort in Mursale, Imamul Mursale, Noor Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu alaihi Wa Sallam to him and to the last book of the Koran Mursale, Imamul Mursale, Noor Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu ' Alayhi Wa Sallam to him and the last book of the Koranalaihi said in this verse, Sharif: "O those people, those who believe in the previous books of the heavens, You are completely in Islam, the faith to your faithfulness, and the last resort in , Imamul , Noor Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu alaihi Wa Sallam to him and to the last book of the KoranMursaleMursalealaihi Wa Sallam to him and the last book of the Koran
Allama Alusi Rahmatullahi is his explanation.
(1) O Momens! Do not ignore the commandments of Islam in secret and openly, you must enter Islam completely.
(2) O you who believe! Be obedient to one of the Islamic laws, do not create divisions or divisions between them.
(3) O you who believe! Those who follow Allah's prophet Habeeb Noor, Mujassam, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam follow his teachings, and do not get disappointed from following any prohibition or circumcision, and this holy verse is aimed at strengthening the faith of the Muslims, ie Muslims, His Habib Noor Mujassam, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sullam (Ruhul Ma 'Ani in the report)
The meaning of Deen Islam Una
Islam comes from the word سلم. Salam means peace and meaning of Islam means كردان نها دن بطاعت, ie surrender with loyalty to someone in the Shari'a, it means to surrender to loyalty to Allah Pak. Like Allah Pak, he said in Kalamullah Sharif -
بلى من اسلم وجهه لله وهو محسن فله اجره عند ربه. ولا خوف عليهم ولاهم يحزنون
Meaning: "Yes, whoever surrenders to Allah Almighty is perfect and performs the righteous conduct, his reward is their Lord and they will not be sorry."
Allah Pak Mubarak elsewhere,
اففير ديين الله بيغون وله اسلم من فى السموت والارض طرعا وكرها وليه يرجعون
Meaning: "What do they want to do is Allah Pak, instead of religion, another religion? When everything in the heaven and the earth is surrendered to him, or unrepentantly. And they will be on their side."
Basically, we must surrender to the only Allah Pak, and only follow the guidance of Allah Pak, who has elected Islam
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said in the Holy Qur'an that the Holy Prophet, Irshad Mubarak was among them.
ومن يبتغ غير الاسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو فى الاخرة من الخسرين
Meaning: "If anybody wishes to accept any religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted and he will be the victims in the next."
Therefore, Islam is the way of salvation. Sharif, in which Irshad Mubarak-
اليوم اكملت لكم دينكم واعمت عليكم نعمتى ورضيت لكم الاسلام دينا
Meaning: "I have fulfilled your religion for you today, and Islam has chosen your religion."
And how to follow the religion of Islam, too, Allah Pak Mubarak in the verse Sharif told him.
يايها الذين امنوا ادخلوا قى السلم كافة
Meaning: "O you who believe! You become completely involved in Islam."
In this holy verse, Sharif, Allah has addressed those who believe in God, who is already included in the religion of Islam ادخلوا فى السلم It is not the main reason to enter Rather, the word كافة has been emphasized here, the order of Allah
The holy hadeeth Sharif is known as the biological name of the blessed hadeeth Sharif, when the Prophet (peace be upon him) asked, "What is Islam?" Then Nur Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said.
الاسلام ان تشهد ان الا اله الا الله وان محمد ارسوالله وتقيم الصلوة وتؤتى الزكاة وتصوم رمضان وتحج البيت ان استطعت اليه سبيلا
Meaning: "There is no god except Allah, and there is no god except Allah, and Noor, Mujassam, Habibullah, Huzur Pak, (peace be upon him) should declare His Messenger, perform Salat and pay the zakat, holy Ramadan Sharif will keep his fast and if you are able to reach there, This is Islam. "
Again, what is faith? Replied.
ان تومن بالله ومالا ئكته وكتبه ورسله واليو الاخر وتؤكم تلقدر خيره وشره
Meaning: "Allah will believe in the Holy Prophet, and his Prophet, the Prophet, peace be upon him, in his verses, His Prophet Prophet (peace be upon him) will believe in them and in the Hereafter and believe in the good and evil of the sinners. "
Again Ihsan asked? Answer:
ان تعبد الله كانك تراه فان لم يكن تراه فانه يراك
Meaning: The worship of Allah Pak will be done so that you see him if you can not do it, then think that he is watching you "(Muslim Sharif)
Imam Nawawi Rahmatullahi Alaihi Sahih Muslim Sharif writes in his commentary, Kazi Ayaz Rahmatullahi has said that the holy hadeeth Sharif interpreted the works of worship, external activities, purifying the heart, clear donations from the faults of the heart, etc. It has been narrated that even those works are the main and other issues of all shari'ah texts have been discovered.
Ashul Lomait has been mentioned in the book, "Deen is based on Islam in the form of 'Shidda (Kamil)', in fiqh, Akid, and Tassowf. The above mentioned three topics are that Sahih Hadith Sharif. The fiqh, so that The Shari'ah disorder is mentioned in the spellings and practices the Second faith, it has been pointed out to religion related to religion. Lomait Has been mentioned in the book, "Deen is based on Islam in the form of 'Shidda (Kamil)', in fiqh, Akid, and Tassowf. The above mentioned three topics are that Sahih Hadith Sharif. fiqh, so that the Shari'ah disorder is mentioned in the spellings and practices. Second faith, it has been pointed out to religion.and Tassowf. The above three topics are that Sahih Hadith Sharif, it is fiqh to be addressed so that the Shari'ah disorder is mentioned in the spellings and practices. fiqh, so that the Shari'ah disorder is mentioned in the spellings and practices. Second faith, it has been pointed out to religion. Third Ihsan, it is targeted at the original Tasawwuf. "
In the book of Irshaktatlabin, It is obligatory to try to teach Tarkit and Batini Kamalat because Allah Pak has said, "O you who believe, you should be completely self-centered," that is, the joys and sorrows are not a creed and Nature, but it is not the Quranic Khilaf of Allah Pak. The order of the order indicator is obligatory
Imam Malik Rahmatullah Alaihi said that iam al-fiqh teaches, but imam has not learned, but he is a fasek, and the claimant of tasawwuf (but I claim to be merciful), but does not do the fiqh, it is kafir and both Of them have learned Mahakki iam al-fiqh teaches, but imam has not learned, but he is a fasek, and the claimant of tasawwuf (but I want to be merciful), but do not do the fiqh, it is kafir and both of them have learned Mahakkifiqh , it is Kafir and both of them have learned Mahakki
Basically everything of Islam, we must imitate, fully followed. From head to toe, from Hayat to moat, The Holy Quran, the holy hadeeth Sharif, ijma and qiyas must be established on them. All of the things include marriage system, divorce rules, lawful dealing, courtesy of the law, economists and workers, moisharat (collectivism and politics), mokamat (spiritual principles) etc. moisharat (collectivism and politics), mokamat (spiritual principles) etc. mokamat (spiritual principles) etc. There is no such thing in this world, whose solution is not given to Islam Then Allah in said,
ولا تتبعوا خطوات الشيطن
Meaning: "You worship Allahu ta'ala and Surat Fatir, Allah Mubarak has more and more.ta'ala
ان الشيطن اكم عدو فاتخذوه عدوا. انما يدعوا حزيه ليكونوا من اصحب السعير
Meaning: "Satan is your enemy, therefore accept him as a enemy. He calls his tribe only because they are like hell."
So, all of us, Allah , Save us from the evils of Satan and the Holy Qur'an and Holy Sunnah Sharif. (Short)
Islamic post
Shan NUZUL: According to Hadrat Abdullah bin Salam, Raidallahu Anh, Hadrat Asad bin Ubayed Sailaba Raidallallahu Ta'ala Anhu, etc., were the scholars before accepting Islam, the Qur'an said in the commentary that these holy verses were revealed to them about them. According to the Jewish religion the To, the holy day of the week was Saturday And the meat of the meat was forbidden. As they were Jewish scholars as a consequence, after the acceptance of Islam, they had the effect of those two rulings of Judaism among them. ta'ala .(Because naturally, there is a difficult problem, as Allah Almighty himself did not declare alcohol in a hurry, he also thought that it is not obligatory to disbelieve in Islam and Islam, so if it is celebrated on Saturday, And on the other hand, Islam is also of religion. In addition, it seems to be more obedience and humility of Allah in. In this topic, the Prophet (peace be-upon-him) Therefore, if Saturn is respected hashtag on a regular basis, then, hashtag, on one hand, it will be respected as well as the Prophet in Moses (peace be -upon him), the while statement hashtag on the other hand, Islam is also of religion. In addition, it seems to be more obedience and humility of Allah in. In this view, the Prophet (peace be upon him) Therefore, if Saturn is respected on a regular basis, then, on one hand, (peace be upon him), while on the other hand, Islam is also of religion. In addition, it seems to be more obedience and humility of Allah Pak. In view of this, the Prophet (peace be upon him)
In some of the commentary, Qiram mentioned an event in which the holy verse of Sharif was revealed.
Once upon a time, Abdullah bin Salam, (RA), he was sitting at Nur Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam at his Darbar Sharif. At that time some food was brought. Hadrat'Abdullah bin Salam (May Allah be pleased with him) said: He had a Jewish scholar before and he was not allowed to eat the meat of the camel. Therefore, he still asked permission of Nur Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam refrain from eating the camel's meat. Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, to refrain from eating the camel's meat. Noor Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam kept silent and waited for the order of AllAllah.cause
of وما ينطق عن الهوى ان هو الاوحى يوحى
Meaning: "Noor Mujassam, Habeebullah Huzur Salallahu alaihi Wa Sallam, He does not speak anything except himself
Analysis: In the book of Fawwed Osmani, This Holy verse has said in Sharif's commentary, "The purpose of this Prophet is to destroy the fort of bidah." Because bidah is to take the form of religion as a good idea. Work as a good work or religious work "
In this Holy Verse, Sharif is the command to fulfill faith and to boycott bidat. Bidat. Bidat So, Irshad Mubarak has said, "O you who believe, enter the religion of Islam completely."
In this book of the Holy Qur'an, it has been said in the Book of Sharif that it has been condemned and condemned for profit. "The holy verse is warning about him, on one hand, for those people who engaged in idiom, and on the other, who think of themselves as modern and Akida Islam does not accept the laws of life as full of life."
Once Hadrat Umar ibn al-Khattab, he came to Tarat Sharif with some old pages of his, and Nur Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said,
لو كان موسى حياماو سعه الا اتباعى
Meaning: "If Musa Kalimullah (peace be upon him) had been living on earth today, he would not have been without him." Therefore, the question of the following is not the advent of Sayyidul Mursale, Imamul Mursail, Noor Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam, did not arise. Mursale, Imamul Mursail, Noor Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, did not arise. (Kholatautafsir)
Imam Razi Rahmatullahi Alaihi explained:
(1) Those who have accepted oral Islam, enter Islam completely and do not follow the devil
(2) Imam Razi Rahmatullah Alaihi said in this verse, Sharif: "O those people, those who have believed in the previous books of the heavens, you should enter into Islam completely, your faith to the faith, and the last resort in Mursale, Imamul Mursale, Noor Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu alaihi Wa Sallam to him and to the last book of the Koran Mursale, Imamul Mursale, Noor Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu ' Alayhi Wa Sallam to him and the last book of the Koranalaihi said in this verse, Sharif: "O those people, those who believe in the previous books of the heavens, You are completely in Islam, the faith to your faithfulness, and the last resort in , Imamul , Noor Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu alaihi Wa Sallam to him and to the last book of the KoranMursaleMursalealaihi Wa Sallam to him and the last book of the Koran
Allama Alusi Rahmatullahi is his explanation.
(1) O Momens! Do not ignore the commandments of Islam in secret and openly, you must enter Islam completely.
(2) O you who believe! Be obedient to one of the Islamic laws, do not create divisions or divisions between them.
(3) O you who believe! Those who follow Allah's prophet Habeeb Noor, Mujassam, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam follow his teachings, and do not get disappointed from following any prohibition or circumcision, and this holy verse is aimed at strengthening the faith of the Muslims, ie Muslims, His Habib Noor Mujassam, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sullam (Ruhul Ma 'Ani in the report)
The meaning of Deen Islam Una
Islam comes from the word سلم. Salam means peace and meaning of Islam means كردان نها دن بطاعت, ie surrender with loyalty to someone in the Shari'a, it means to surrender to loyalty to Allah Pak. Like Allah Pak, he said in Kalamullah Sharif -
بلى من اسلم وجهه لله وهو محسن فله اجره عند ربه. ولا خوف عليهم ولاهم يحزنون
Meaning: "Yes, whoever surrenders to Allah Almighty is perfect and performs the righteous conduct, his reward is their Lord and they will not be sorry."
Allah Pak Mubarak elsewhere,
اففير ديين الله بيغون وله اسلم من فى السموت والارض طرعا وكرها وليه يرجعون
Meaning: "What do they want to do is Allah Pak, instead of religion, another religion? When everything in the heaven and the earth is surrendered to him, or unrepentantly. And they will be on their side."
Basically, we must surrender to the only Allah Pak, and only follow the guidance of Allah Pak, who has elected Islam
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said in the Holy Qur'an that the Holy Prophet, Irshad Mubarak was among them.
ومن يبتغ غير الاسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو فى الاخرة من الخسرين
Meaning: "If anybody wishes to accept any religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted and he will be the victims in the next."
Therefore, Islam is the way of salvation. Sharif, in which Irshad Mubarak-
اليوم اكملت لكم دينكم واعمت عليكم نعمتى ورضيت لكم الاسلام دينا
Meaning: "I have fulfilled your religion for you today, and Islam has chosen your religion."
And how to follow the religion of Islam, too, Allah Pak Mubarak in the verse Sharif told him.
يايها الذين امنوا ادخلوا قى السلم كافة
Meaning: "O you who believe! You become completely involved in Islam."
In this holy verse, Sharif, Allah has addressed those who believe in God, who is already included in the religion of Islam ادخلوا فى السلم It is not the main reason to enter Rather, the word كافة has been emphasized here, the order of Allah
The holy hadeeth Sharif is known as the biological name of the blessed hadeeth Sharif, when the Prophet (peace be upon him) asked, "What is Islam?" Then Nur Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said.
الاسلام ان تشهد ان الا اله الا الله وان محمد ارسوالله وتقيم الصلوة وتؤتى الزكاة وتصوم رمضان وتحج البيت ان استطعت اليه سبيلا
Meaning: "There is no god except Allah, and there is no god except Allah, and Noor, Mujassam, Habibullah, Huzur Pak, (peace be upon him) should declare His Messenger, perform Salat and pay the zakat, holy Ramadan Sharif will keep his fast and if you are able to reach there, This is Islam. "
Again, what is faith? Replied.
ان تومن بالله ومالا ئكته وكتبه ورسله واليو الاخر وتؤكم تلقدر خيره وشره
Meaning: "Allah will believe in the Holy Prophet, and his Prophet, the Prophet, peace be upon him, in his verses, His Prophet Prophet (peace be upon him) will believe in them and in the Hereafter and believe in the good and evil of the sinners. "
Again Ihsan asked? Answer:
ان تعبد الله كانك تراه فان لم يكن تراه فانه يراك
Meaning: The worship of Allah Pak will be done so that you see him if you can not do it, then think that he is watching you "(Muslim Sharif)
Imam Nawawi Rahmatullahi Alaihi Sahih Muslim Sharif writes in his commentary, Kazi Ayaz Rahmatullahi has said that the holy hadeeth Sharif interpreted the works of worship, external activities, purifying the heart, clear donations from the faults of the heart, etc. It has been narrated that even those works are the main and other issues of all shari'ah texts have been discovered.
Ashul Lomait has been mentioned in the book, "Deen is based on Islam in the form of 'Shidda (Kamil)', in fiqh, Akid, and Tassowf. The above mentioned three topics are that Sahih Hadith Sharif. The fiqh, so that The Shari'ah disorder is mentioned in the spellings and practices the Second faith, it has been pointed out to religion related to religion. Lomait Has been mentioned in the book, "Deen is based on Islam in the form of 'Shidda (Kamil)', in fiqh, Akid, and Tassowf. The above mentioned three topics are that Sahih Hadith Sharif. fiqh, so that the Shari'ah disorder is mentioned in the spellings and practices. Second faith, it has been pointed out to religion.and Tassowf. The above three topics are that Sahih Hadith Sharif, it is fiqh to be addressed so that the Shari'ah disorder is mentioned in the spellings and practices. fiqh, so that the Shari'ah disorder is mentioned in the spellings and practices. Second faith, it has been pointed out to religion. Third Ihsan, it is targeted at the original Tasawwuf. "
In the book of Irshaktatlabin, It is obligatory to try to teach Tarkit and Batini Kamalat because Allah Pak has said, "O you who believe, you should be completely self-centered," that is, the joys and sorrows are not a creed and Nature, but it is not the Quranic Khilaf of Allah Pak. The order of the order indicator is obligatory
Imam Malik Rahmatullah Alaihi said that iam al-fiqh teaches, but imam has not learned, but he is a fasek, and the claimant of tasawwuf (but I claim to be merciful), but does not do the fiqh, it is kafir and both Of them have learned Mahakki iam al-fiqh teaches, but imam has not learned, but he is a fasek, and the claimant of tasawwuf (but I want to be merciful), but do not do the fiqh, it is kafir and both of them have learned Mahakkifiqh , it is Kafir and both of them have learned Mahakki
Basically everything of Islam, we must imitate, fully followed. From head to toe, from Hayat to moat, The Holy Quran, the holy hadeeth Sharif, ijma and qiyas must be established on them. All of the things include marriage system, divorce rules, lawful dealing, courtesy of the law, economists and workers, moisharat (collectivism and politics), mokamat (spiritual principles) etc. moisharat (collectivism and politics), mokamat (spiritual principles) etc. mokamat (spiritual principles) etc. There is no such thing in this world, whose solution is not given to Islam Then Allah in said,
ولا تتبعوا خطوات الشيطن
Meaning: "You worship Allahu ta'ala and Surat Fatir, Allah Mubarak has more and more.ta'ala
ان الشيطن اكم عدو فاتخذوه عدوا. انما يدعوا حزيه ليكونوا من اصحب السعير
Meaning: "Satan is your enemy, therefore accept him as a enemy. He calls his tribe only because they are like hell."
So, all of us, Allah , Save us from the evils of Satan and the Holy Qur'an and Holy Sunnah Sharif. (Short)
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