Sprinkle flowers on the tomb or tomb
Q: Is there any interest in Islamic graves and graves? ____ Moulana Mufti Bakhtiar Uddin
[عن عبد الله بن عباس رضي الله عنه مر النبى ﷺ بقبرين يعذبان فقال انهما ليعذبان وما يعذبان فى كبير اما احدهما فكان لايستتر من البول واما الاخر فكان يمشى بالنميمة ثم اخء جريدة رطبة فشقها بنصفين ثم غرز فى كل قبر واحدة فقالوا يا رسول الله لم صنعت هذا فقال لعله ان يخفف عنهما مالم ييبسا. ]
Hadrat Abdullah ibn Abbas [رضى الله عنهما] was narrated that he said, "The Prophet (peace be on him) had gone by the grave of the Prophet (peace be upon him), so that the torment was going on. Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Their punishment is not going on in the eyes of any kind of sin, but one of their habits was that they did not protect themselves from urine, others used to libel. Then the prophet Akram [ﷺ] took a raw date of palm, and he divided it into two tables. The companion said, O Allah's Messenger [ﷺ] What did this work for? The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied, "As long as the pulses are both young and fresh, their torment will be lightened." [Sahih Bukhari Sharif, 1st volume, 182p. Kitab al-Jan-ieh
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All things in the universe describe the holiness of Allah in their own language and condition, but none of them understands Tasbih. The green trees on the grave of the believing Muslims are also describing Allah's glory and the benefits of the graves are given due to the tasbih's rewards. If the cemeteries are good, then they increase their morale, and if they are guilty, their sins are forgiven in the Tasbih-Tahleel's blessing. That is why it is the purpose of moving flowers to the shrine of the Muslims in the grave and awliya. As long as the scattered flowers on the graves will remain fresh, how long will they be able to reach Tasbih-Tahlil, the blessed cemetery of the takbeer?
The Holy Qur'an has been expressed -
[تسبح له السماوات السبع والأرض ومن فيهن وإن من شيء إلا يسبح بحمده ولكن لا تفقهون تسبيحهم إنه كان حليما غفورا ]
That is, "He proclaims His sanctity in seven heavens and earth and all that is in them, and there is no such thing that does not glorify His praise. But you can not understand their magnum opus. He is forbearing, forgiving. "[Surah Bani Israil, Ayat-44]
Explanation of Hadith
Allama Ibn Hajar Asqalani [رحمه الله عليه] 'Fath al-Bari Sher-e-Bukhari writes in-
[ان المعنى فيه انسحح مادام رطبا نيخصل التخفيف ببركة التسبيح وعلى هذا فيطرد فى كل ما فيه رطوبة من الاشجار وغيرها وكذلك فيما في بركة كالذكر وتلاوة القران من باب الاولى. ]
"The meaning of the Hadith is that the torment of the grave will be lightened with the blessings of the Tasbihah of the tree until the stalks, flowers or grass remains fresh. So trees and plants (plants) that are alive like flowers can be scattered on the grave. As it is due to Allah's remembrance. So the recitation of the Qur'an on the grave is more blessed than the deeds. "
Bukhari Sharif's explanation 'Fayzul Bari' mentions in it-
[فى الدر المختار ان انبات الشجرة مستحب وفى العالمغيرية الرياحين ايضا مفيد. ]
"In other words, there is a book in front of it, a tree planted on the grave, and Fatwa-i Alamgiri is useful in spraying flowers on the grave."
[Sua: Fayzul Bari performed - Anwar Shah Kashmiri, 2nd volume, 489 p.]
Al-Imdad is in the book, Fatwai Shami is said to have been cut from the grave to Makruh. The reason is that as long as the grass of the grave, flowers, etc. remains fresh, Allah's praise continues, and due to that tasbihah, the mercy of Allah will be on the grave. It has been mentioned that the hadith has been narrated that Huzur Pakkr [Pakhi] gave two branches of palm to two cobbles, and the Prophet (peace be upon him) had explicitly said that as long as the branches of the tree are fresh (raw) The punishment will be lightened.
One can understand one thing from the aforementioned narrative, planting grass on the grave, and thrashing flowers. Imam al-Bukhari (Rh) has described, Buraida Aslami (Rh) had made a plan to bury the branches of two trees on her grave.
Hadrat Allama Mullah Ali Qari [رحمه الله عليه] wrote:
[وقد افتى الطمة من متأخرى اصحابنا من ان أعتقد من وضع الريحان والجريدة سنة لهذا الحديث واذا كان يرجى التخفيف بتسببح الجريدة فبتلاوة القران اعظم بركة. ]
That is, "Our Hanafi's Mutahakhyerin (next) Imams said that the Sunnat based on the Hadith Sharif mentioned in the circulation of flowering and planting of trees on the grave; Thus, if the punishment of the grave is expected to be lightened by the blessing of Tasbihah of the tree, then it is easy to imagine how much the blessing of reciting the Holy Qur'an will be.
Imam Nawawi [رحمه الله عليه] said:
"In the light of the mentioned Hadith, the saying of the Qur'an tilawat as Mustahab next to the grave of Umayyamei. For if the torment of the grave can be lightened by the tasbeeh of date branches, then it is more reasonable to expect that the torment of the grave should be lightened by reciting al-Qur'ân (recitation of the best). "
Imam Nawabi also said:
"The application of this Hadith Sharif is comprehensive. That is, it is not only a date for date pallets. "[Sharh Muslim, 1st volume, 141 p.]
Fatawa - Alamgiri is in it -
[وضع الورد والرياحين على القبور حسن وان التصدق بقيمة الورد احسن.]
That is, "It is better to sculpt the rose or any other flower on the grave and it is better to pay the price of that flower." [Source: Alamgiri, 5th volume, 351th p.]
It is clear from the above-mentioned discussion that the flower is spreading on the grave of the Muslims, wearing halts etc. is sunnat; Even the Prophets of the Prophet Since no tradition was mentioned in the opposite or the previous hadith was not abrogated. Therefore, a Kalma study Muslim cannot deny this work.
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