Sunni hat episode

The hat is a special symbol of expression of Muslimity. And Nur Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallamatini hat has always put on the hat, it must have structure or rules system, and that is what we should do for us. Doing something outside it means to maintain your own emancipation in the pursuit of Islamic Zindagi. Since the hat is different about the specDescribed as true to this, it has been given the Fatwa by the Qur'an Sharif, Hadith Sharif, the book of Muhammad Jamiya Sharif, and the syntactic analysis of the words of Fiqh, which will end the different differences. Here the fatwas are highlighted. Q: It is necessary to wear a hat in the round-tall, higher installment, fiveclub, jali (net) dopatya, jinnah utah, liyakat utah, song etc. Noor Mujassam, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam used to wear some hats, many say Nur Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam used to wear all kinds of hats, how true is it? Answer: The circumference of four pieces of circumference is circumcised. Noor Mujassam, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam used to use his sculptures by his sahaba rahaballahu ta'ala anhu. The documents are: عن ابى كبشة قال كان اصحابى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بلما فلنسوة مدورة ميسكة مع الرأس ان كانت مبسوطة لازقة بروسهم غير مرتفعة عنها (ترمذى مشكوى مرفاه (Meaning: Abu kabasa Radiallahu May Allah be pleased with him mujasasama-Nur, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam His Chhaba Radwiallahu Ta'ala Anhu, his hat was round (combined with the head on the forehead), the rounds that were in the head with the head; It was not to be taking up or gap. (Tirmizi, Mishkat, merakata) عن عائشة رضى الله تعالى عنه كانت له كمه بيضاء (الدمياتى, مواهب اللدنية قسطلانى, شك مواهب الزرقانى (Meaning: Hazrat Aisha chiddika alaihasa Salam Noor mujasasama mentioned to him, Habibullah Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Salaamna had a white hat cap. (Adidiyaty Maaheibuldudnyaa Kusatulani, Shah Maa Mawah Habul Zurqani) كانت كمام الصحابة نطح بطحا ائى لازقة بالر ائس غير ذاحبة فى الموأ الكمام جمع كمة و هى الفلنسوهة - Meaning: Sahabah Radiyallahu ta'ala Ahwaah was their hat with goals associated with the head. It did not fly in the air. Kemam's collection is Kammatun and this is Kalanusua. (Ibn al-Asiq) الکمۃ- گول ٹوپی (المنجد, مصباح اللغات (The meaning of the meaning of al-Qumma is the meaning of al-Mukhbahl's logat) كمام plural of the word كماة is Allama Majduddin Firozabadi, said: كان كمام الصحابة بطعا ائى لازقة بالرائس غير ذاهبة فى المواء والكمام القلانس (القلموس المحيط لسان العرب) Meaning: Hadrat Shahbaye Qiram Raidallahu Ta'ala Anhunah had their hats that were round with the head, which would fly in the air. Health, and to kalanisake kimama. (Kamusula said, The meaning of the meaning of the meaning of the meaning of the word kumma is because it covers its head. (Al-kamus, lasnul arab, mechbahul logat) head as the goal is to make a hat Therefore, it will move with sixty-eight head in the air and the cap will not fly in the air, but if someone is standing in the wind with a cap cap, then its cap is more likely to fly. The jugular hat is raised upwards due to panicle stitches and does not cling to the head, although it is difficult, it will not be circumcised despite the goal, since it is also associated with the word 'Hadish Sharif', which means matching with head from above, If you have eyesight, if you are weak, If there is a gap, then there will be no meaningful similarities with these words. Allama Shaikh Abdul Haq mohaddesa tahakika btha words dehalabi rahamatullahi's interpretation of the words he said btha چپیدہ یسرنہ بلند رفتہ در ھوا بطحا نیز گویند بعنی بود کلاہ ہاے ایشان مدور و بسوط چپیدہ بسرنہ دراذو بلند بر رفتہ بجانب هوا means butahuna meaning attached to the head It is not high enough to fly in the air, and this can also be done - the cap from the top of the cap on the top of the head, which is attached with the head of the head, which is not high in the head. Yayaasaatula the wind lumaata Sharh Mishkat (3rd part) is proof that the minor tahakbiki, Noor mujasasama, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, His Shahbah Radwiallahu ta'ala, had their hats that were round the head. Shaykhul hadeeth Hazrat Asghar Hussain Dahlavi Rahmatullahi alaih, according to his opinion, - حدیث می ہے کہ صحابئے کرام رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کی یوپیسر سے لگی ہوئی تتیی ((گلزار سنت) Meaning: the holy hadeeth Sharif is among them that the Sahabate kiram rabadiallahu ta'ala anhumas used to stick with their cap head . (Sunnat in Golza) ٹوپیا آحضرت صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم کی صحابیوں کے سرسے لگی جوئی نہ بلند (مظاھر حق شرح مشکوة) Meaning: Nur Mujassam, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wali sallam and shahabay kiram rdwiallahu ta'ala anhumah would not have been tall with the head of the Ungarol hat. (Mojaheer Haque Sharhhe Mishkat? The holy hadeeth Shareef, among them, was the companion of the Prophet (peace be upon him) with the cap of his head. (Golasar Sunnat) ٹوپیا آحضرت صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم کی صحابیوں کے سرسے لگی جوئی نہ بلند (مظاھر حق شرح مشکوة) Meaning: Nur Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam and Sahabaye Qiram Radiyallahu ta'ala Anhum would not have been tall with the head of Ungarol hat. (Mojaheer Haque Sharhhe Mishkat? The holy hadeeth Shareef, among them, was the companion of the Prophet (peace be upon him) with the cap of his head. (Golasar Sunnat) ٹوپیا آحضرت صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم کی صحابیوں کے سرسے لگی جوئی نہ بلند (مظاھر حق شرح مشکوة) Meaning: Nur Mujassam, Habibullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam and Sahabaye Qiram Radiyallahu ta'ala Anhum would have been with the head of Ungarol Hat, not high. (Mojaheer Haque Sharhhe Mishkat?

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