Huzur Paki ﷺ Kufri to think of people like himself
Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam He is Sayyidul Mursale, Imamul Mursale! His position was only after the success of Allah Pak, he was his place of pilgrim Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam.
Allah Pak himself is his Habib Sallallahu
Alaihi Wa Sallam blamed his dignity on everything.
Allah Pak Mushtaq Mubarak -
"O my lord! I have engrossed your word! "
(Surah Alam Nasrah 4)
Now the question is, is Allah Pak's Prophet Habib
How much is the height or height of his poetry/ discussion/status?
The answer is that Allah is Pak, the infinite. That is why he is his Habib Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Salaam
The dignity given is infinite too! Subhan Allah
But the people of Deobandi / Qawmi / Tablighi / Jamati / La Mazahabi / Salafis and other unaffordable people of the people, who are very different in their understanding of the status of their husbands,
They document their claim to this statement -
قل انما انا بشر مشلكم يوحي الي
Meaning: O Messenger of Allah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam! Tell me, I am a bazaar or a man of your food, but it is revealed to me. "
(Surah Qahaf 110)
The reason that these verses are utterly inadvertent to understand the meaning of Sharif is that the wicked people are people of their own. Originally from the verse Sharif but it is proved that he is not like anybody!
Let us explain that verse, Sharif.
In this verse, Sharif mentions a word بشر مثلكم hasbeen done.
The word "meat" is used for instance.
What the poet said-
محمد بشر ليس كالبشر ياقوت حجر ليس كالحجر
Meaning - Hajur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Bashar but he is not like other Bashar, like Yakut stone, not like another stone. "First of all, we must understand what" Bashar "means!
"Bashar" means a species name. For example, say "birds". What do we mean by this bird? The bird is a species that flies in the sky in two wings. It is said to be the bird in the sky due to its flaws and accessories.
So, "Bashar" or "man" is a species name. Those people who are obliged to celebrate two hands, two eyes, exceptional intellect, and order of the Shari'ah are the "Bashar" or "people".
Now Allah Pak Sufur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam has sent him to this human race. That is why Ashraful Maalakhat man!
Since Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam has brought Tasharif between "Bashar" or "Man" species, it is natural that his outer shape also is of human species. And that is said in verse Sharif. بشر مثلكم or the shape of the human species, because of the hope of people among them
She is in shape According to Ahl as-Sunnat Wal Jamaat, everyone from Bashar who brought Tasharif, from Adam Alaihis Salam to Hajur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Salaam.
In this connection, the Akbayid has mentioned in the book -
الرسول انسان بعثه الله تعالي الي الخلق لتبليغ الاحكام
Money - In the term of the Shari'ah, Messenger is called a Bashar, whom Allah has sent for mankind!
√ Sharh Akwaid Nasafi
But that does not mean that he is a human like us. At first, I mentioned an Arabic poem, where it was said - "Yakut" stone, but not like other stones. Although the Yakut stone is a species but the rail
Do not have the courage to compare the Yakut stone with the stone. Because Yakut is very valuable! He also said that he was also Bashar but not like other Bashar!
This is not mine but it has been narrated in the Hadith Sharif!
Let's take the evidence of Hadith Sharif!
عن عبدالله بن عمرو رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و سلم لست
كاحد منكم
Meaning - Hadrat Abdullah ibn Amr narrated from Rwaidallahu Anhu. Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said, "I am not like any of you!"
√ Bukhari Sharif- Kitabus Siam - 1st volume 263 pages - Hadith-1840
Muslim Sharif - 1587
√ Abu Daud Sharif / 137
More Irshad Mubarak has been-
عن عبد الله بن عمر رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و سلم اني لست
Meaning- Hadrat Abdullah bin Omar is related to Rudyallahu 'anhu. Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said, "I am not like you."
√ Bukhari Sharif - Kitabus Siam - 1 vol. 263 pages.
√ Fatehul Bari 4/164
Hadith is more pronounced in Sharif-
I love you
Meaning: Hadrat Abu Sa'id al-Khudri narrated by Rady Allahu Anhu, Hajur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said, "I am certainly not like a stammer or a person."
√ Bukhari 1/24
√ Fatehul Bari 4/165
There are more variations-
عن ابي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و سلم ليكم مثلي
Meaning - Hadrat Abu Huraira narrated from Rwaidallahu Anhu, Hajur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, who among you is like me?
√ Bukhari Sharif 1/2663
√ Fatehul Bari 4/167
It was proved from that Sahih Hadith Sharif,
The Prophet himself has judged - none of you are like me, I am not like you.
Subhan Allah
Now, if a person says that he is his own person, then he will be disbelieved for his refusal of the Hadith Sharif. Now, let us see what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said about this, what did the Imam-Mustaheed Gana say? Khalifatul Muslimin, Babul Ilm Wall Hikam Hazrat
Ali Raidlahullah Anhu said:
لم ارقبله و لا بعده مثله
Meaning: I have never seen any other person like him before and after Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam!
√ Tirmidhi Sharif - 2nd volume, 205 pages - Hadith Number: 3637
The famous Imam, Imam Azam, Imamul Ayimma, Tabei, Hadrat Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi Alii said:
والله ياسين مثلك لم يكن فيالعالمين وحق من انباك
Money - By Allah Pak! O Yassin, you have no meat in the whole world! "
√ Qasaida Nu'man al-Imam Abu Hanifah-37 No.
Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Salaam Uni
Compared with the comparison, the previous Imamgans praised the elderly Imams, and see what they said!
Imam Muslim Rahmatullahi Alaihi Imam Bukhari Rahmatullahi Alaihi aimed at him said:
اشهد انه ليس في الدني مثلك
Meaning: I testify that there is no one on earth or other like you!
√ Mizanul Akhbar 48 pages
See, Sahabay kiram, Tabeine, Imam Mustahid Radiyallahu anhum wa Rahmatullahi alaihi people all said Hajur Pak Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam, he has no meals, he has no other!
And the Wahabi community denies them and pretends to be like them. What does this mean?
It is understood, Wahabi / Deobandis are not Muslims!
In fact, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the person is like the person who is a disbeliever and polytheist. Because the disbelievers, the Prophet (peace be upon him), the Prophet, peace be upon him, thinks of them as their own people. There are many pieces of evidence of this in the Qur'an.
Some examples are given-
Hadrat Nuh Alaihis Salaam, the leaders of his nation, would deny their intention and say to their followers,
فقال الملؤا الذين كفروا من قومه ماهذا الابشر مثلكم
Meaning: The leaders of his nation said to their followers, "This man is nothing but a human being like you!"
√ Surah Mu'minin Verse 24 verse Sharif
The people of Thamud said about the Prophet Salih (peace be upon him)
Learn more about Ali
Meaning: You have been magic. You're just like a man like us?
√ Surah Shuara 153-154
The people of the city of Antakia also told Jesus' representatives to his representatives -
قالوا ما انتم الا بشر مثلنا
Meaning - you are only human like us! "
√ Surah Yassin 15
Pharaoh and his followers said about Moses Alaihis Salaam and Haroon Alaihis Salam -
فقالوا انؤمن لبشرين مثلنا
Meaning: will we believe in two people like us?
√ Surah Mu'minoon 47
Not only that, Habibullah, Hajur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, the unbelievers said on their behalf:
واسروا النجوي الذين ظلموا هل هذا الابشر متلكم
Meaning: The wrongdoers are secretly engaged in one another, that this person (Prophet Muhammad) is more like a man like you.
√ Surah Anbiya 3
It was proved by the above document that only the disbelievers - the pseudonym of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon them) who were sent to them, considered them as their own people. In the continuation of it, the names of the infidels of the Muslim named Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Alaihi Wa Sallam is a person like himself
I think. Therefore, it is inevitably proved that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that people like themselves are unbelievers. Those who say such things will not be Muslims,
Will be disbelieved Islamic post
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